Pure scenic beauty awaits at the lush hiking trails, parks, and viewpoints on the Central Oregon Coast!


Oregon’s Niagara Falls Trailhead
Pheasant Creek Falls

Hampton Park – Huddleston Pond

Cascade Head Trail
Cascade Head Trail – South Trailhead
East Devil’s Lake State Park
Knight County Park
God’s Thumb (a personal favorite)
Drift Creek Falls Trail (1378)
Harts Cove Trailhead

Lincoln City
Spyglass Ridge Trailhead
Cutler City Wetlands Trailhead
Villages at Cascade Head Trail
Agnes Creek Trailhead
Devil’s Lake State Recreation Area
Devil’s Lake Boardwalk Trail
Spring Lake Open Space
Road’s End State Recreation Site
Friends of the Wildwood Open Space
Hostetler Park
Regatta Nature Trail
The Knoll (a personal favorite)
Alder Island Nature Trailhead
Connie Hansen Garden Conservancy
Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Siletz Bay Park
Ichwhit (Bear) Park

Gleneden Beach
Gleneden Beach State Recreation Site

Olalla Hiking Trail

Depoe Bay
Fogarty Creek State Recreation Area
Depoe Bay Scenic Park
Fishing Rock State Recreation Site
Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint

Otter Rock
Devil’s Punchbowl State Natural Area
Otter Crest State Scenic Viewpoint

Beverly Beach State Park
Salal Hill
Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area
Yaquina Bay State Recreation Site
Yaquina Bay Bridge Trail
Yaquina Bay Estuary Trail
Ocean Shore State Recreation Area
Big Creek Park
Literacy Park
Lucky Gap Trail
Ocean Shore State Recreation Area
Agate Beach State Recreation Site
Sam Moore Parkway
Mombetsu Sister City Park
Don Davis Park
Coast Park
Devils Punchbowl State Natural Area
Cobble Beach
South Beach State Park